Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Etsy Users Should Be Using HandmadeTop10's FREE Exposure!

Have you tried this site---> HandmadeTopTen? It's almost like an "ETSY VOTER" site, I love it, it's addicting and fun to play with.

It's free exposure for your Etsy items!

What's more, if "a list is open" you can add up to 2 items in your own shop to the list for free! Others looking on vote on your items  and during the voting process people get to SEE your item driving more exposure and hearts to your shop.

There's every possible catergory you can think of, from supplies, wedding, soaps, team lists, vintage, and pet accessories only to name a few. I love it!  I have to say I've been secretly checking it every chance I get, and added a few bags from LizzieCaye to the handbag list.  Anyone out there sell purses? Add yours now!
Here's the latest supply list, you can view the list by clicking here and please vote for my glove molds !!!! Here is what the list looks like! 

And just who brings us this great site? None other than Timothy Adams of Handmadeology.