The breathtakingly beautiful image above is an original sculpture made of recycled stoneware clay titled "Arising" and is created by Etsy Recycler's Guild member Adrien Art.
Our radiant sun provides wonderful healing benefits that we need throughout the year, even in this chilly month of February. I love the warm and comforting feeling of the sun's rays on my resting eyelids...it is so peaceful and soothing. Research shows that the sun's vitamin D is well absorbed through the face and eyes.

Below I have listed some of the amazing, healing properties of the sun.
Benefits of Sunlight:
• It increases the circulation of the blood.
• It stimulates the production of more red blood cells, increasing the oxygen content of the blood, and thus increasing muscular endurance.
• It increases liver function and stimulates the liver to produce a drug-metabolizing enzyme. This increases one's ability to withstand pollutants in the environment.
• It stabilizes blood sugar levels.
• It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Sunlight may decrease cholesterol by more than 30%.
• The ultraviolet rays are antiseptic, a short morning sunbath (before 9am) several times a day will kill germs and promote wound healing. Even reflected light from windows can destroy bacteria in the dust on window sills and floors.
• The heat of the sun is useful in the treatment of neuralgia, neuritis, arthritis and other pain.
• It increases gamma globulin - a protein that helps the body fight infection.
• It is a good treatment for jaundice in the newborn baby.
• It increases muscle tone, persons who exercise in the sunlight build muscle faster than those who exercise indoors.
• It increases body metabolism.
• Sunlight has been shown to increase to relieve depression and to improve sleep.
• Resting heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates are all decreased after a sunbath.

The illuminating image above is an Upcycled Wooden Box Sunshine Night Light created by Etsy Recycler's Guild member Cher's Passion.
Also did you know that…SUN EXPOSURE REDUCES THE RISK OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; a disease that has paralyzed my mother and has harmed my sister (although my sister is a strong fighter and will overcome any challenges). ;-)
Our kitty cat, Nozomi, loves the sunshine too! Even though she is an indoor cat, she still gets an adequate amount of vitamin D through our windows. As long as your windows don't have a super UV protection, it is possible to soak up the sun's Vitamin D and even get a little tan through your window! You can actually soak up all of the healing properties our precious sun has to offer through the windows in your home. A little indoor sunbathing might just be the cure for your winter blues...our pets and house plants sure love it!
This post was contributed by Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles
See all posts created by Jessica under the tag *Eco Friendly Freckles Column!
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Let the Sunshine in!! Luckily we have had abundant sunshine this week in Texas!! Bring it!! Great article!
Thank you ladies! The last couple of days have been sunny here in Oklahoma. I enjoyed taking a sunshine stroll in the park yesterday with my baby nephew and sweet sister...it was beautiful!
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