Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crocheted Toys with Bamboo Blend Jubel Handmade

jubel handmade butterfly eco friendly
$14.29 Crocheted Butterfly Toy

eco friendly elephant on etsy in wool

Crocheted Elephant, $28.57

Two girls in Austrailia are making crocheted toys. Not only are they cute and adorable, but they are made with environmentalism in mind. The yard is a cotton/bamboo blend and fibre filling. Karina & Hannah say their designs are " made to last with eco friendly materials. We aim to start making accessories in the near future..."

Find them at Jubel Handmade. 


Reike said...

want to learn much about this homemade.
look awesome :-)
thank you for post

Jessica said...

Cute! Just started following the blog on bloglovin' ♥