Saturday, August 13, 2011

Etsy's Front Page, A Pipe Dream or Not?

Creating a treasury that makes it to the front page of Etsy doesn't have to be a pipe dream; however, I totally believe that it takes group effort among all things.  This "group effort" can be that extra nudge needed for your treasury to skyrocket into fame, and can be achieved by fellow team members viewing, admiring, clicking, commenting, and promoting your treasury.

Furthermore though, what does it take?  A PRETTY COLLECTION OF TREASURES!  Having a treasury that flows along a theme or color-scheme is always a good start.  Challenging yourself is fun; however, the broader the theme is, the easier it will be to achieve it.  With a broader theme, the more likely you'll be to finding a pretty item to feature from each shop you choose to pick from.  For instance, the color-scheme "blue" generally has more options per shop than the theme "Huckleberry Finn", but if you are able to pull it off, (i.e. HuckleBlueBerry Finn) all power to you.  CREATIVITY ROCKS!!!

Choosing bright lighter toned images for your treasuries is easier on the eyes than dark bold images.  Also, let your treasury images flow; I generally try to have the center images fade into the lighter-toned edges, but whatever works for you is what is important.

  And don't forget to feature team members to get their support.

  TAG YOUR TREAURIES!!!  Go hog wild with your tagging privileges; fit as many words in there as possible, and try to use keywords mentioned in Etsy's Merchandising Desk for the current month.

Most of all have fun with it, and let the treasuries work for you!  I have stumbled over a phenomenon that works for me: I like to feature items from people's shops who have recently favorited my shop, its items, and/or my treasuries.  It is always nice to see these friendly Etsians (some team members) return to say "thank you for the feature".  I also thank them for their favoriting by providing my shop's coupon code in the description of these treasuries.  My challenge is to go along the theme of "pay it forward", which I have lots of fun with. :-)

This article is a contribution from Andrea of Storybook Artifact.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Featured Guild Member for August - Storybook Artifact!

The Etsy Recyclers Guild Member of the month for August is our very devoted Team Leader (and twin sister to our Team Captain Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles) Andrea of Storybook Artifact! Here is her intriguing interview full of inspiration to commemorate Andrea's hard work and dedication to the Etsy Recyclers Guild! Andrea has helped the guild so very much with writing team blog articles, organizing/promoting team treasuries, as well as being a motivating voice in our team discussions! Thank you Andrea!

Andrea of Storybook Artifact is pictured above wearing her Vintage Indian Princess Charm Bracelet and Earrings Set that is for sale in her Etsy Shop!

1.Tell us a bit about yourself (name, location, affiliations, and personal stuff).

Hello my name is Andrea. I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in cozy house with two men: my darling husband and little boy, Bobby. I am full-time “Momma”, and humble house wife with many projects and aspirations on bringing a loving and warm environment to our home. In my free time, I love visiting my twin sister, Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles (she is the new team captain of the Etsy Recyclers Guild); my baby boy, her little nephew Bobby, loves to spend time with his Aunt Jessy also. Jessica and I love getting together and bumping ideas off of one another on what we can do to make both of our Etsy shops better ... we work so well together.

Pictured above is Andrea's Homemade Rumpelstiltskin Cookies...Jessica's (Eco-Friendly Freckles, Team Captain of the Etsy Recycler's Guild) FAVORITE cookies!!! These delectable cookies are for sale in Andrea's Etsy Shop Storybook Artifact.

2. How did you decide on your shop name? Why did you start your business?

I like how the initials of my name “Andrea Scott” matches those of “Storybook Artifact” ... I also like to think that this name for my shop is more of an achievement of mine, and also goal for me to work towards. I want each item in my shop to symbolize that special artifact thought only to be found in storybooks or fairytales. :-)

I was introduced to Etsy by my twin sister, Jessica, who also has a shop: Eco-Friendly Freckles.

3. What are 5 things you want people to think when they see your products/shop?

Storybook/Fairytale, Victorian, Romantic, Tea Parties, Bed and Breakfast

"Is He the Man of My Dreams" original oil painting by Andrea of Storybook Artifact.

4. What or who inspires you?

My goals for myself and my shop are to be everything I hope to be: giving, thankful, playful, adventurous, kind-hearted, friendly, fun, imaginative, creative, and unique.

5. What are your best marketing tips?

I can’t say it enough: TAKE FABULOUS PHOTOS!!! Taking bright, clear, breath-taking/eye-catching photos insures visitors and treasury features. :-) It is the best and most logical promotion your shop will ever get.

6. In ten years I'd like to be…

Seeing my baby boy grow up into a generous and responsible young man; I hope my encouragement helps him. I look forward to returning to school and would like to think that I could excel in biology to become a professor of human physiology/health. I look at Etsy as a means of funding my son’s early education programs/private schooling.

7. Why should people buy handmade and vintage items?

It is the thought that counts. Handmade and/or vintage items are unique, thoughtful, one-of-a-kind gifts for loved ones to treasure through generations.

8. What do you enjoy most about the Etsy Recycler's Guild Team?

I am a big recycler here at home with my family’s trash, repurposing things/getting crafty, etc.; plus I use cloth diapers on my son. I’d like to think that my pet-pevish efforts have reduced my family’s household carbon footprint to below average. I also enjoy purchasing eco-friendly and organic products and foods.

9. What have been the most valuable lessons you’ve learned from other artists or Etsyians?

Get involved, make treasuries, be a good team member, pay it forward, be a blog author, offer to help, communicate, and be friendly!

10. What are the web addresses where people can find you? (website, etsy, blog, facebook fan page, flickr, etc.)

My Etsy Shop

My Blog

My Facebook

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Celebrating American Artists Appreciation Month!

"Painter's Easel" by Woodcraft Queen

In celebration of this American Artists Appreciation Month of August, I would like to share with you all some of the great American artists and the Etsy Recyclers Guild Member American Artists with similar, complementary artistic styles of the classics! Let's take a moment to sit back and admire some great American art!Mary Cassatt was an American painter and printmaker. She lived much of her adult life in France, where she first befriended Edgar Degas and later exhibited among the Impressionists. Cassatt often created images of the social and private lives of women, with particular emphasis on the intimate bonds between mothers and children.

Etsy Recyclers Guild Team Leader Andrea of Storybook Artifact has a similar artistic style and she also loves to capture feminine beauty like Mary Cassatt. Above Andrea's oil painting bookmark "Princess StoryBookmark" is featured.

Roy Lichtenstein (October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artists. His work defined the basic premise of pop art better than any other through parody. Favoring the old-fashioned comic strip as subject matter, Lichtenstein produced hard-edged, precise compositions that documented while it parodied often in a tongue-in-cheek humorous manner. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described Pop Art as, "not 'American' painting but actually industrial painting". The Lichtenstein painting above is titled "Kiss V".
Etsy Recycler's Guild Team Captain, Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles introduces Lichtenstein/Pop Art influences into her hand-painted upcycled decoupage canisters; this style is particularly seen in her one-of-a-kind piece featured above titled "Paulie's Confession".

Ed Paschke was a Polish American painter. His childhood interest in animation and cartoons, as well as his father's creativity in wood carving and construction, led him toward a career in art. As a student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago he was influenced by many artists featured in the Museum's special exhibitions, in particular the work of Gauguin, Picasso and Seurat. Above Paschke's painting "Espiritule" is featured.

Etsy Recyclers Guild Member Into the Trees has a similar since of style as Paschke; with radiantly eye-catching colors that pop and abstract influences; below is Blue Lady Palm Frond Mask Decor.

Georgia O'Keeffe (November 15, 1887 – March 6, 1986) was an American artist. She had distinguished herself as one of America's most important modern artists, a position she maintained throughout her life. As a result, O’Keeffe not only carved out a significant place for women painters in an area of the American art community that had been exclusive to and is still dominated by men, but also she had become one of America’s most celebrated cultural icons well before her death at age 98 in 1986. O'Keeffe's painting pictured below is titled "Red Cann"...this painting has always been one of my favorites. ;-) Although the artistic styles may be different, Etsy Recyclers Guild Member ColleenAttaraStudio has similar vibrantly colored floral paintings that catch your eye and warm your heart as do Georgia O'Keeffe's masterpieces.Above is Colleen's painting "Window filled with Flowers and Vases".

Edward Hopper (July 22, 1882 – May 15, 1967) was a prominent American realist painter and printmaker; he was most popularly known for his oil paintings. In both his urban and rural scenes, his spare and finely calculated renderings reflected his personal vision of modern American life. Above his painting titled "Morning in a City" is displayed.

Below is an original oil painting titled "Balancing Forces of the Universe" from our Etsy Recyclers Guild member Adrien Art; who I think has very similar artistic styles as American artist Edward Hopper.This blog article was contributed by Etsy Recyclers Guild Team Captain Jessica of Eco-Friendly Freckles.