Thursday, October 1, 2015

Solar Energy Sunshine Is Here to Stay


SpunkyFluff sunshine mini sign.

Yes, it's true here in the States we are under the spell of Hurricane Joaquin right now.  So we wait for the rain to clear...

Rainbow Wind Chime
Rainbow Wind Chime @DragonflyDreams1

So we wait for the sun to appear.  All this rain makes for dreary weather. Yawning at work and wishing we were somewhere else.  Just like magic, after the rain clears, we wait for the rainbow.

Solar Energy Infographic
See this larger here

FACT:  Did you know, the US U.S. consumes the most global resources. We use 19+ million barrels of oil in a single day. Since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions have risen 11%. These same gases are what cause global warming. We need to make a change now. It's time to use renewable energy sources, such as solar power.

Recycled Tire Bird Feeder
Recycled Tire Birdfeeder found @Junkfx

Thanks to See.Solar for sponsoring this post!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Solar Power See Solar Green Energy

Solar Power TShirt
Green Planet Tees, offers this eco friendly shirt for $17.99

Switching to Solar Power

Solar energy provides a renewable source of energy and was first "discovered" or "invented" by Frank Shuman in 1897.  Today, many advancements make it not only affordable to have solar energy powering your home, or business.  Once debuted at a costly initial investment alternative to monopolized energy companies,  it is now easy and affordable to make the switch to solar.

Solar Panel table on Etsy
Old Solar Panels make this table interesting at Heritage Wood Company.

Living "off the grid" is making solar panels more popular than ever, so is easy financing plans where it is affordable that you can convert or add solar power to your life at a fraction of the cost.  A big problem is misunderstanding or being overwhelmed with where to start, and most people just don't know what company to select.

According to See.Solar , people switch to solar power every three minutes. Solar City has made it possible to figure out plans in your state and area to help you make the switch easy! What a great way to live green. Watch this video to see what you need to do for solar power.


Go Solar Print on Etsy

Rainbow Satellite w Solar Panels :  Kelly Newcomer, artist

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Grow Dome and Garden Dreams

Summertime is here , weather is sunny and crops are booming. Here's some great Eco Products for the home, and your life. 

Vintage Garden Tools on Etsy
Garden Tool Set, $24 VintageABCs

No garden is complete without plants, tools and cute decorations. First up, we have some antique gardening tools for the taking. Buying vintage means you are using something discarded yet fully functional, doing your part to upcycle and not buy mass produced crap items that will further clog the landfills.  Let's face it, if the tools above are still around this means they don't make them like that anymore! These tools above will last you plenty of seasons to come!

Tiberian Grow Dome for Fresh food Plans Here
The Tiberian GrowDome System is your solution for fresh food.  Find it here:

Next up, we have a Garden Growdome.  This is a must for the eco conscious gardener. The bottom line is before Monsanto, and use of growth chemicals and harmful sprays, people grew their crops and harvested them in a healthy and timely manner.  Now, with population spurts and climate issues, Monsanto backed by large box retailers are under fire for teaming up to mass produce items in a hurry.  This includes spraying them with harmful chemicals, using fertilizers that are harmful, or contain growth hormones.   Long term issues include health problems. 

Now you can be corn fed with natural untainted crop by using this udpated Tiberian Grow Dome system . The mere theory dates back to 14AD --- and has been updated to today's gardeners. This way, you can make a climate to safely grow your plants to the max without the use of pesky hormones and unfriendly chemicals.  The guide is available for less than the cost of a gallon of weed killer, which you don't need anyhow.  Get on the bandwagon here

Gnome Homes

Once you get your garden going, add some gnome homes, thrown by hand on Etsy, set of three from Suzanne's Pottery Farm, she'll whip them right off her kiln.

Windowsill herb garden
Find these at Smart Seeds: Burlap Windowsill Herb Garden

Herbs drying out or seeding on you too quickly? Plant more mid season. Start them indoor with this tiny windowsill herb garden.

Plant Nesting Bowls are made of Llama Fur
$18.86 Medium Sized Fiber Fiber Set, $45.26 here

Somewhere in Western Australia, Fox Hill Llamas  offers handmade Llama fiber is used to make vessels, homewares and recycled paper (out of poo).  Above: These fibre bowls are the cat's meow and could easily hold your favorite plants.

Below: Since we're on the theme of gardening, we can't overlook the bird nesters.  These are made from fiber left over from teh processing that would normally become waste. Hand picked and stuffed into these adorable little nesting units, birds will flock around to remove it to build houses.

Find this at Fox Hill Llamas : Bird Nester $18

The nesters provide material to help the little birds build theeir own nest, so you can see them in action.  Nesters come in natural, small to large, and even wire casings.  Find out about the process used to make the bird nesters here. 

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