Please "Follow Us" on Twitter, our Twitter Team Name is EtsyRecyclersGT . We use the tag #wastenot in some of our posts --if you list any items from your shop we encourage you to use that tag as well. That way Heather and I (slowly learning the tweet ropes) can retweet your posts when we see the tag. What are we tweeting? Blog articles, Treasuries that may feature your items, some products from some of our team member's shops, retweets of the #wastenot tag, articles that may be helpful, and Etsy-related things you may like!
Why ? Etsy makes it easier than ever to tweet items from your shops now, it's free and fun, so why not do it? There is a share button on the side of every treasury, and every single item in your store. We'd be crazy not to gain exposure for our team.
Special thanks to Heather for kicking my butt in gear on this. Perhaps an old blog dog can learn new tricks...