Owner: Jody
Location: Ansonia, Connecticut
Shop Link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Wandering%20Lydia
Talk about upcycling and repurposing! Jody says it best, "Wandering Lydia = wool hats, mushroom gardens and pins each handmade from felted sweater wool. I get my sweaters from charitable thrift shops which supports their work and keeps the wool in use and out of a landfill. The sweaters are cleaned, felted and sometimes over dyed. All designs are my originals." Be sure to check in often, as new items tend to fly out quickly!
Visit her store NOW.
To see lots of her past and present creations you can go here on her FLICK site
Check out her BLOG on BLOGSPOT ---> http://wanderinglydia.blogspot.com/